Building FreeCAD on Windows


I wanted to build FreeCAD on Windows to be able to do some local development. FreeCAD is already documented for this in the FreeCAD wiki. The steps are very clear, but I found some inconsistencies regarding paths and order of mentioned information. Maybe I have the option to change them in the wiki later. For now, I wanted a complete but very compact step-by-step file to go from “nothing” to “FreeCAD is built”.

I am writing this as the FreeCAD 1.1.0dev version is in development. The following steps were those I needed:

  1. Get the Visual Studio Installer and install the “Visual Studio Build Tools 2022” (version 17.12.4).
  2. Get Git for windows and install (version 2.48.1). It should be available on the system PATH.
  3. Get Cmake and install (version 3.31.4). It should be available on the system PATH.
  4. Download the matching LibPack release for FreeCAD and extract it somewhere (I put it at “C:/_public/GitHub/LibPack-1.1.0-v3.1.0-Release”).
  5. Clone the FreeCAD repository (I put it at “C:/_public/GitHub/FreeCAD”).
    git clone --recurse-submodules
  6. Open a terminal and do the basic cmake configuration via
    cmake -S C:/_public/GitHub/FreeCAD -B C:/_public/GitHub/FreeCAD/build/release -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -DFREECAD_LIBPACK_DIR:PATH="C:/_public/GitHub/LibPack-1.1.0-v3.1.0-Release" -DFREECAD_COPY_LIBPACK_BIN_TO_BUILD:BOOL="1" -DFREECAD_COPY_DEPEND_DIRS_TO_BUILD:BOOL="1" -DFREECAD_COPY_PLUGINS_BIN_TO_BUILD:BOOL="1"
  7. Build FreeCAD from command line via
    cmake --build C:/_public/GitHub/FreeCAD/build/release --config Release
  8. After some time, the build finished and let me start FreeCAD.exe (In my case “C:/_public/GitHub/FreeCAD/build/release/bin/FreeCAD.exe”). goes online


This is a private website, where I document my hobbies. The reason why I started this website is that I often find hints, tips or clues, but I rarely find “complete information”. And of course, I also want to later find that info myself again.

So in case you have similar interests you could find something here!